The Every Friday Cultural Evening Programme at Yavanika, Bangalore, held last week under the joint auspices of the Department of Kannada and Culture and the ICCR, featured a Bharatanatya recital by Nagashree Sathvik. She was accompanied by Nagashree K.S. (nattuvanga), Vasudha Balakrishna (vocal), Natarajamurthy (violin), and Ramesh (mridanga).
An evocative and imaginative visual representation based on D.V. Gundappa’s immortal verses on the shilabalikas of the temple at Belur, was followed by Papanasam Sivan’s krithi in Keeravani, “Devi Neeye Thunai” on the divine consort of Lord Sundareswara. The devarnama “Kandu Dhanyanade” in Sindhubhairavi on the attributes and exploits of Lord Krishna featured beautiful choreography well executed, while the ashtapadi “Nindathi Chandanam” in Darbari Kanada was an effective portrayal of Radha’s abject longing for Krishna. The concluding piece, a tillana in Bilahari raga and aditala, displayed greater finesse and clarity in the nritta passages than the initial items of the performance.
Melodious and bhava soaked accompaniment from the vocalist Vasudha Balakrishna, complemented by excellent support from Nagashree K.S., Natarajamurthy and Ramesh, was definitely one of the highlights of the evening and contributed significantly to the success of the programme as a whole.